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Markdown Admonitions

2 min read

This post provides a detailed demonstration of how to use the Markdown admonition feature in Astro Citrus, showcasing its ability to highlight important information, tips, warnings, and other key content types in a visually distinct and customizable format

What are admonitions

Admonitions (also known as “asides”) are useful for providing supportive and/or supplementary information related to your content.

How to use them

To use admonitions in Astro Citrus, wrap your Markdown content in a pair of triple colons :::. The first pair should also include the type of admonition you want to use.

For example, with the following Markdown:

Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.


Admonition Types

The following admonitions are currently supported:

  • note
  • tip
  • important
  • warning
  • caution


Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.


Optional information to help a user be more successful.


Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.


Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.


Negative potential consequences of an action.

Customising the admonition title

You can customise the admonition title using the following markup:

:::note[My custom title]
This is a note with a custom title.
